Home » keto 101 » The Best Low Carb & Keto Natural Sweeteners 🍯

The Best Low Carb & Keto Natural Sweeteners 🍯

and some food (for thought) 👁️

a newsletter about functional food to nourish, create and evolve. 

(p.s. we don’t talk about fight club 🪄 )

xo! Paola


  1. Charlotte McNamara says:

    I use Lakanto Syrup, however, I personally don’t like my syrup to soak into my pancakes and waffles, but rather somewhat sit on top. I have emptied the syrup into a sauce pan and added Glucomannan powder to thicken. A little goes a long way so start with 1/4 tsp mixed with a tablespoon of water. It is like corn starch (but much healthier) and takes a little time to thicken up. If it isn’t as thick as you like, add another 1/4 tsp as above. I am going to start making my own Maple syrup starting with simple syrup and adding Maple extract.

  2. Marta says:

    Hi, I have to cook a Ham for this saturday and the glaze ingredients are:
    100g demerara sugar
    50ml Madeira
25ml sherry vinegar
    125g honey

    I have another with 250ml water with earl grey tea and 2 tblsp brown sugar.

    I am thinking how to adapt this to keto or low carb.

    I have erythritol and lakanto syrup. What do you think I can do?
    Thank you.

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