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(Ultra Soothing!) Keto CBD Gummies 🍁 gluten free & paleo

These homemade paleo and keto CBD gummies pack quite the medicinal (and nutritional!) punch! Think wonderfully chewy and yummy goodies, with soothing CBD and grass-fed collagen.

Green keto CBD gummies in cannabis leaf shape
Paleo & Keto CBD Gummies

Paleo & Keto CBD Gummies

Ultra Soothing!

Did you guys know that CBD gummies were one of the most searched for ‘food items’ in 2018? Calling it ‘a CBD craze’ doesn’t cut it… its insanity by now right?! CBD infused everything is hitting the market (ahem… sodas, face creams!), and it can be hard to weed out the plant medicine from the rest (pun intended).

So in this post you’ll find out about my personal journey with cannabis, what products I use and recommend (not sponsored or affiliates!), and how to how to whip up some keto CBD gummies (i.e. the ultimate edibles for slower release!).

And just like my keto gummy bears, they’re packed with collagen, antioxidants (courtesy of the berry powders!), a healthy dose of vitamin C and an added bonus in the form of CBD!

On the gummies, these are actually chewy and not just flavored jello! But they are less chewy than your store-bought gummies. Still, a great compromise for super clean ingredients in my book!

Do note that the sour gummy version is absolutely everything (and more!). There’s just something about that sour punch and salivary-glands-in-action that just does it for me right?!

My Story

While I generally stay behind the scenes on the blog, it’s probably time that we begin to know each other a little better! So I would like to take the opportunity to talk to you guys a little bit more of what I’ve been going through in my personal life. (You can read a full update over here

In June 2018 I suffered an injury to my sciatic nerve through a routine vitamin B12 injection, which has greatly limited my mobility for nearly two years. I spent quite a few months in bed lying face down, then wheelchair for about 6 more months, and then spent a year rebuilding all those atrophied muscles. Spoiler, I came through and I have full mobility back (and then some!). 

But I got to understand chronic pain very well. And any of you who have gone through nerve injuries (or even just sciatica!) know, it’s extremely painful and standard pain killers barely scratch the surface.

So when doctors sent me home to ‘wait and see’ if I could regain full mobility, I instantly turned to holistic medicine. And hence why I spent so much time in LA (where cannabis is legal), trying different therapies. I’ll talk more about ketamine infusions, meditation and the crucial mind-body connection at a later date too… as I can only hope that a few of you can also benefit from my healing journey.

But this is also not a post about how CBD cured by sciatica (I wish!). Rather, over the past 10 months I’ve used cannabis to help break through the pain and to aid with my emotional symptoms (anxiety, insomnia and extreme depression have been constant guys).

I’ve tried anything from tinctures, patches, edibles and vapes. From pure CBD (great for anxiety and sleep) and CBD and THC mixtures (a 1:1 ratio is my favorite for my sciatica). So below I’ve linked my favorite products and why, non are sponsored nor affiliates as these are products I sincerely use and believe in.

Oh, and if you’re looking to learn more about cannabis medicine I cannot recommend enough that you start by checking out Dr Sanjay Gupta and his documentary ‘Weed’ for CNN (its on youtube). 

The CBD (and THC)

Let’s face it, cannabis as a medicine is still in its (very exciting!) infancy. Cannabidiol (CBD) is the second most prevalent compound (after THC) in the cannabis plant. It’s also present in hemp, where most non-psychoactive CBD is derived from nowadays.

Will CBD get me high? Most definitely not! CBD works on other receptors in your endocannabinoid system, meaning it’s not psychoactive nor addictive. And its currently being used in the mainstream to treat anything from chronic pain, anxiety, depression, insomnia, epilepsy, MS, inflammation

Having said that, do note that certain studies have shown that CBD is much more potent when paired with some THC present (generally referred to as ‘the entourage effect’).  And extensive medical research has shown that when treating pain (particularly neuropathic), a combination of CBD and THC is more beneficial.

And I can totally vouch for that, as for my sciatica pain I found greatest relief from a 30:1 CBD to THC tincture and 1:1 patches (see recommended products below).

Still, there are some pure CBD products which are also totally legit and still incredibly beneficial (think for anxiety and insomnia). But do note that the jury is still out on whether CBD derived from hemp is as effective as that from the cannabis plant.

My four favorite CBD products
Paleo & Keto CBD Gummies

Without further ado, these are my top picks of pure CBD (legal in 50 states) and CBD:THC compounds (available only in certain states such as California and Colorado):

  • CBD tinctures have been crucial for my pain management, but perhaps more importantly to help with my anxiety and depression (I couldn’t heal my body until I dealt with my mind!). As mentioned, I found greatest relief from a 30:1 tincture (the one from Papa & Barkley is pure gold!)… but the pure CBD gel caps from UpSide are also brilliant (they’re meant to be 5x as effective as regular CBD, and I can vouch for that). And do note that even with a little THC (as in the 30:1 ratio), I still don’t feel ‘high’ at all.
  • CBD transdermal patches and balms are my second favorite cannabis product. The 1:1 CBD to THC ones from Mary’s Medicinals (pictured) literally got me off the bed. I applied one at night and woke up in the morning able to move much more (it was literally insane/magical!). They are a bit pricey, but I like that you don’t need to use the whole patch at once (you can easily trim and apply little pieces to target areas). This brand also makes great balms and pure CBD products (called Mary’s Nutritionals).
  • CBD for sleep has also been life changing for me, particularly with the sleep formula from Life Bloom Organics (they’ve rebranded from ‘nano CBD’ to ‘nano hemp’). Just make sure you’re ready to go to sleep, because I literally pass out within 10 minutes!
  • CBD vapes are also great for my type of neuropathic pain (not pictured). So while pure THC actually increases my sciatica pain (I’ve literally tried everything guys!), a 2:1 CBD to THC ratio gives instant relief when I feel an ‘attack’ looming.

How To Make Keto CBD Gummies

There’s not much to these keto gummies, in fact they’re shockingly easy! All you need to do is mix the ingredients, sweeten to taste, heat up until everything has dissolved and pour into silicon molds.

You can go for cheeky cannabis leaf molds or keep it on the down low with gummy bear ones. Bigger ones will be less of a hassle!

The hardest thing will probably be to know how much CBD oil to add, as the dose will vary from person to person (and oil to oil). So it’s crucial that you first test what dose works for you. For instance, my low dose is 0.25 ml (1/4 of a pipette). So with the leaf molds I got 20 leaf gummies, so I multiplied my standard dose by 20 ( 0.25 ml x 20 = 5 ml = 5 full pipettes).

Unmolding paleo & keto CBD gummies
Paleo & Keto CBD Gummies

The (Other) Ingredients

Honestly all you need is gelatin, a fruit juice (we’ll get to that) and a sweetener. I also really enjoyed adding some pure vitamin C powder though, as it gives it that ‘artificial’ gummy kick (but its actually really healthy… you know, vitamin C!).

Nothing fancy or pricey, but do check out my findings to ensure you get the ‘best tasting’ keto gummy bears! So here are my ingredient tips:

  • You absolutely want to make sure you’re procuring gelatin and not collagen, which won’t gel. I love and always use this grass-fed one (arguably much more nutritional benefits!), but standard packets from Knox will work the charm too.
  • For the fruit juice, you can take the powder route: raspberry being my favorite. For these I actually tried something a little different and simply used some lemon extract (can use lemon zest too) and a bit of matcha powder (optional, for color).  And you can also use the powders to flavor chia puddings, make yogurt a bit more fun, turn yourcheesecake-for-1 fruity, similarly for the buttercream fat bombs, or vanilla ice cream (turned raspberry!), added to milkshakes … i.e. endless possibilities guys!
  • But if you don’t want to buy powdered berries, you could also use a tea infusion (something like this raspberry tea would work, for instance). Or you can make your own fruit juice with fresh fruit too (duh right?!).
  • For the vitamin C powder (i.e. citric or l-ascorbic acid) I used this organic one. While it’s totally optional and you can use lemon juice instead, I also highly suggest it. Also indispensable for the sour gummy version (see below!). And for the home run: I also mix the pure vitamin C powder with my face and body lotions at night for extra glowy skin!
Overhead shot of sour and raspberry keto gummies on marble
(Sour!) Paleo & Keto Gummies

The Sweetener

You’ve got a couple options here, and know that the recipe was thoroughly tested with xylitol, monkfruit, allulose and erythritol. And these are the findings!

1. Allulose is my top choice for best texture (no crystallization!) and closest taste to sugar (no aftertaste whatsoever!). Just note that this sweetener is 70% as sweet as sugar (i.e. you need to add 30% more). And you can always use it as a base and add some pure monkfruit (or stevia!).

2. Pure monkfruit extract (love Lakanto’s!) or stevia would work too if that’s your jam. Just remember that its roughly 300x sweetener than sugar, so start with only 1/8-1/4 teaspoon!

3. Xylitol works just as well as allulose, I’m just adding it in third place as its slightly higher GI and not pet friendly (I just personally find the other two to be ‘cleaner’ options, if you know what I mean). Note: I’ve been testing different brands of xylitol and have noticed Health Garden and XyloSweet are two solid ones (particularly if you tend to get occasional tummy pangs with the NOW brand which is corn derived).

And honestly just don’t bother with erythritol. As per usual when melted, you’ll likely get heavy crystallization (its really rare if you don’t).

If using xylitol, make sure to be careful if you have a pup (or kitty!) around the house, as it’s highly toxic to the little guys! 🐕

How much sweetener? Now this is the question, and the good thing is that you can definitely sweeten to tasteMy top tip is that you add a notch more than you think of sweetener, as the gummies do lose a tad once set.

Dipping CBD gummies in sour coating
Paleo & Keto CBD Gummies

For Sour Gummy Candy (!!)

I repeat, in all honestly I cannot believe how great these taste… and with suuuper clean ingredients! All you need to do is mix some allulose (my top choice for this) and vitamin C powder. Bonus fruity notes if you mix in a tad of fruit powder here too… sooo yum!

So if the keto gummies are good solo, these are actually terrific.

The one caveat? Because the gummy candies are not dried and we’re not using anti-caking agents etc, you need to coat them and eat them right away. Otherwise the moisture from the gummies dissolves into the coating (still yum though, I would know!).

Green keto CBD gummies in cannabis leaf shape
Paleo & Keto CBD Gummies
Green keto CBD gummies in cannabis leaf shape

(Homemade!) Paleo & Keto CBD Gummies

These homemade paleo and keto CBD gummies pack quite the medicinal (and nutritional!) punch! Think wonderfully chewy and yummy goodies, with soothing CBD and grass-fed collagen. 
5 from 13 votes
Prep Time 5 minutes
Cook Time 5 minutes
Chilling Time 30 minutes
Total Time 10 minutes
Course Dessert
Cuisine American, European
Servings 150 gummy bears
Calories 19 kcal


For the keto CBD gummies

Special equipment


For the keto CBD gummies

  • Make a batch of our keto gummies, whisking in your CBD oil at the very end (see note below).  
  • Pour into a bowl right away and, using the gum drop, begin to fill up the silicon molds. 
  • Allow the molds to come to room temperature, about 15 minutes, and place in the fridge for 30 minutes or until set. Keep stored in an airtight container in the fridge for about 2 weeks. 
  • Note: The hardest thing will be to know how much CBD oil to add, as the dose will vary from person to person (and oil to oil). So it's crucial that you first test what dose works for you. For instance, my low dose is 0.25 ml (1/4 of a pipette). So with the leaf molds I got 20 leaf gummies, so I multiplied my standard dose by 20 ( 0.25 ml x 20 = 5 ml = 5 full pipettes). 


Please note that nutrition facts were estimated using the raspberry powder (25 gummy bears are 1.5g net carbs!)


Serving: 25gummy bears | Calories: 19kcal | Carbohydrates: 2.2g | Protein: 2.3g | Sodium: 6mg | Fiber: 0.7g | Sugar: 1.7g | Vitamin C: 274.7mg | Iron: 0.1mg
Keyword gummies, gummy bears, gummy candy, keto, paleo
Whip up this recipe?Comment below or drop me a line @paola.vanderhulst and tag #gnomgnomyum!

and some food (for thought) 👁️

a newsletter about functional food to nourish, create and evolve. 

(p.s. we don’t talk about fight club 🪄 )

xo! Paola


  1. Jill Fazio says:

    Hello to anyone bored enough to scroll this far in the comments! Just wanted to add some pertinent information for other pain soldiers like myself. Been enlisted with commander Arthur Itus for over twenty years now, lol.
    I have tried every medication out there I think, some of them help, all of them have bad side effects. I’ve tried kratom, which helps but can make you a bit dizzy, and both CBD and THC separately and in conjunction.
    My personal experience is that I get the most relief using as low of a pain prescriptions as I can, along with CBD and sometimes THC in very small amounts to help with sleep and depression.
    But I did want to mention that every person needs to grab the reins of their own care and study their own bodies to see what is helpful, and also what might cause addiction spikes or even harm. I grew up in the 70’s, believing that weed was totally harmless, and this is true for most people. But just today I learned about something called Cannabinoid Hyperemisis Syndrome. In some people, using THC on a regular basis causes it to build up in the liver and cause repetitive vomiting. I was absolutely floored. If this is something you’d like to know more about, check out Mayim Bialik’s latest Breakdown on YouTube, where she interviews Brian Posehn. Mayim holds a Ph. D. In neuroscience and you might know her from Blossom or Big Bang Theory.
    Final notes- always be open, always be learning!

    • Faithdixon says:

      5 stars
      Thank you for that informative message I’ll look into that ! I’m New to all of this, but Iam interested in knowing all the facts about this and also the affects,- the effects of too. How much is bad for your health Thank you 😊

  2. Steve Jones says:

    Hi….new to this….so do you suck them or chew them & also how many should you have in a 24 hour period…thanx Steve

  3. Nik nok says:

    I made a batch but the oil taste masked any fruit flavour. They were quite inedible for me. The smell and taste were off putting. Any suggestions ?

    • Christine Bryant says:

      Try using an CBD isolate as powder or tincture. TheCBDistillery.com sells both. I use the 5000mg per bottle as the drops are more concentrated.

    • Trbobitch says:

      She links to the recipe for Keto Gummies. You need to go to that recipe and make it, then add what she says for the CBD ones.

  4. Judas says:

    Would it be possible to make these with pectin or carageenan instead? My fiance has a pork intolerance and gelatin is unfortunately right out as a result.

    • Liz says:

      Great Lakes Gelation makes a pure unflavored gelatin that is kosher beef gelation. Use caution and read the upper portion of the canister as both the pork and beef gelation come in an orange container.

  5. Liza Shay says:

    5 stars
    These CBD gummies are full of flavor and nutritional goodness, that calms your nerves easily especially after a long day of work and they have the added benefit of being keto diet friendly.

    • Paola van der Hulst says:

      I’m not sure Louanne tbh! I do know gelatin can break down in some instances in the freezer, but I haven’t tried myself sorry!

  6. Mark says:

    5 stars
    I was wondering if anti-caking agents could be used for this recipe and if so what and which kind?

    Thank you! 🙂

  7. Pam C. says:

    5 stars
    I greatly appreciate that you shared with us the severe debilitating neuropathic pain you’ve been dealing with and what you’ve found helpful. Thank you! I have found CDB and THC to be extremely helpful for anxiety and depression and insomnia. I am so glad that you are feeling better and found something that actually helps. I think that searching beyond allopathic medicine when it can’t treat a medical issue is crucial. Don’t stop looking and be open-minded, but cautious too! I love your recipes. They’ve made keto so much easier! Thanks for all the experimenting and work you do to make your amazing keto recipes.

  8. Bernadette Duty says:

    I am so glad to see your recipe for gummies. I know for sure that CBD oil works for my dog’s anxiety and skin allergies, and have been wanting to try it myself for back pain but have not done so yet. I will be trying this.

  9. Sandi says:

    I’ve been using your sight to help me find comfort food for my husband, who has terminal brain cancer. Your recipes have kept his taste buds excited! I’ve learned so much from you.
    Thank you for sharing your struggles. I hope you are able to recover. I love Populum CBD for my anxiety and sleep issues. It’s wonderful and helps me conk out for the night!
    I wanted to tell you about a book that might help you, being a foodie. Lyn-Genet Recitas “The Plan” and after that “The Metabolism Plan” are books that help you heal by changing the way you eat. Lyn has some amazing insight that could prove useful to you. I certainly hope it helps you. Thank you for your unknowing support of my beautiful husband, and for teaching me about all of the wonderful sugar free options that are available to me. Be well!! Sandi

  10. Wynn says:

    You have great recipes and ideas on gnom gnom, but I am fairly new to your site and am really shocked. Are you actually giving recipes for food with cannabis? I am so shocked that I am leaving a comment. I have never heard of this and am totally disappointed that you would be promoting it to people in the guise of “health”. (Just for clarification – I do not live in United States and have some trouble following your many abbreviations.)

    • Paola van der Hulst says:

      Hi Wynn! CBD won’t get you high if that’s what you’re worried about… and from your comment I think you need to do more research as cannabis is far more than just a recreational drug, but a powerful medicine for many of us.

      Put yourself in my situation, when doctors sent me home last summer to just wait and see with terrible nerve pain (and no medication helped at all). Once you go through something like I have, then you can judge 😉 xo!

    • Lauren Librarian says:

      Hello Wynn, There has been a lot of misconceptions surrounding cannabis. As a librarian that works with college students I would encourage you to search peer reviewed journal articles to see what the academic community is doing to study the affects. The results have been surprising to the medical community and are showing signs of treating many conditions. We of course could not see these kinds of clinical trials previous to legalization. Many of these articles are behind paywalls, but if you visit Google Scholar you will see that many are free to read.

      • Wynn says:

        Hello to those who have replied to my comment.
        Please understand that I was honestly shocked and therefore left a comment. I did not attack anyone’s personal medical condition. I know nothing of you and you know nothing of me, so it is equally unfair to assume I do not understand chronic pain.
        I came to the gnom gnom site looking for a low carb, low sugar, chocolate cake recipe for a four year olds birthday party. When I clicked on the desserts section what came up was a photo of marijuana leaf shaped sweets, with a related recipe (as the most current post). This is not something I have heard of and it both surprised me and seemed out of keeping with everything else.
        I really like the site because of the wonderful recipe’s, easy to follow steps with great advice, and beautiful photo’s. What I really appreciate is that these are very well tested recipes and most have several suggestions about how and why to choose different types of non sugar sweeteners. Thank you Paola for this.
        The only person who seems to have answered in a non-defensive way is Lauren Librarian. I do not know if I care very much about researching cannabis sweeties but I am grateful for your constructive feedback and information on where to look. I’m in England and this topic is very far away from my everyday life. We don’t even hear about it.

    • Christine says:

      I realize this comment is old, but it was too condescending not to reply to. You not being in the US may also be the reason you don’t realize that this is a legal substance in many states in the US, as well as other countries. People are finally opening their eyes to the wonders of this natural plant that many have known for decades (Pharmaceutical companies are chomping at the bit to get a piece of the pie that WILL become mainstream medicine in the near future). When you watch a young child who suffers from seizures ALL the time have them completely stop when using this, or a cancer patient who cannot get any relief from the heavily addictive and harmful opiates, but finds relief in the right all natural, non-addictive, non-harming option, perhaps you might change your mind. But for the time being, I suggest you open your mind and do some research. Paola offered some great resources to start with. There is no “guise” here, these are proven medical facts, which is WHY medical marijuana is becoming legal in more states every year.

      Paola, I’m so glad that you have found ways to get relief, and thank you for sharing with others. I must find those molds for my dad, and forwarding him this recipe as well as they have struggled to make edibles healthier.

    • Janice Kimball says:

      Oh dear Wynn, you really have bought into the myths created by the tobacco, and alcohol industries (who were actually the ones who started the campaign against marijuana many years ago, for economic reasons, i.e. their own greed) . Having been a nurse on an oncology unit for many years, can tell you of the amazing benefits of cannabis for patients with pain, or nausea, also those with glaucoma, cancer, and other medical problems. As I spent many years in the ER as a nurse also, and I can tell you dealing with someone who is high on marijuana (usually, giggly, hungry, and sometimes forgetful, but otherwise has minimal ill affects on brain, and body systems) is WAY better than dealing with a mean , belligerent, combative drunk, who is killing off their internal organs, and their brain cells with the alcohol they are consuming.

      Furthermore , as it was pointed out to you pure CBD oil does not make people “high”, you need THC to get the effect of being high, pure CBD oil contains no THC.

      Do you remember in the bible where it talks about how God gave us all the herbs of the earth; You know, Genesis 1.29 : ” And God said, Behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed, which is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree, in the which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed: to you it shall be for food.”,? Yes, that one, well guess what dear heart, marijuana is an herb, created by God for our use. Unless of course you do not believe that God created all on this planet (or you are atheist, or agnostic), in which case merely sticking to empirical, factual evidence still supports the medical, and otherwise beneficial uses of marijuana both CBD, and THC.

      In fact, it is probably one of the most useful plants on the planet. It is not only able to treat a multitude of physical ailments, it also produces more oxygen than pretty much any other plant. It can be used to make clothing, rope, paper, soap, lotion, healing balms, etc….in fact it is possibly the singular most useful, and beneficial plant on the planet that was made illegal by corporate greed, and government corruption.

      For some people CBD is the only thing that helps their pain, as they can not tolerate opiate based narcotics….and I should know because I am one of them. Without CBD oil my pain is consistently a level 8-10 on a 1-10 scale with 10 being the highest level (I suffer from psoriatic arthritis, fibromyalgia, glaucoma, and sjogren’s syndrome). Unless you like seeing people in pain, and like people to suffer I suggest you might wish to rethink your somewhat skewed judgement.

      Go ahead and file a “complaint”, or raise a protest if you feel you must, everyone is entitled to their opinions, however poorly formulated they are. I would really like to challenge you to go out and do real research though, before criticizing someone who is trying to help others to live a pain free life, without heavy narcotics which are pushed by popular western medicine, and are horrifically addicting, and debilitating, and which some of us simply can not tolerate in our systems at all. I would like to challenge you to put aside the role of sheep, blindly following what politicians, and others preach to you, and instead try gathering as much honest, and factual information as possible before you pass judgement on those who seek to help others who are on restricted diets to live better lives.

    • Karen Strong says:

      Some of us do have a prescription from a medical doctor and in other places cannabis is legal. CBD is not for any kind of psychoactive experience. You don’t get euphoric or high from CBD.

  11. Deloris Rose says:

    New to this site. Intrigued by what I read. Would love to get info. Suffer with chronic pain and on a journey to find high grade CBD oil to try for pain management.

  12. Jette says:

    5 stars
    Thank you Paula.
    First I will wish you all the best and hope your pain will subside and give you your life back. I know how pain can rob you of all the tings you love most and leave you like an empty shell in pain. Thank you for sharing your story. You have reached more people than you know. the BIG silent group, that most other people are tired of listening to, because they can not help. Sharing with others, that knows what it means, to be in cronic severe pain, because they are there too, or have been there, is very helpful.
    Thank you for sharing you recipe for pain relief and in a tasteful way.
    Gummies are going to be tested asap.♥♥♥

  13. Mandy Ennis says:

    What ratio do I use if not using the fruit powder? I will be using tea or juice so how much do I use? Thanks in advance.

  14. Sonya Yoder says:

    Do you have any suggestions for a mold that hold the equivalent of the leaf mold ? My husband is not particularly fond of our sense of humor and I don’t want to take 25 gummies if I can do it in 1. Thanks and I know what you are going through with your sciatica. Sonya Yoder

    • Shaay Gallagher-Starr says:

      Looking at the amount of liquid in the recipe, divided into 20 molds, these leaf molds look like they hold between 1- 1.5 teaspoons each. So between 5-7 mLs. Any silicon mold with the same capacity should work.

      What I’m going to do with mine is this: make up my gummy mix in a glass measuring cup and see how much I have. Measure the same amount of water in another measuring cup, and use the water to fill my molds to see how many the recipe will fill. Then I’ll add my CBD dose, multiplied by the number of molds I’m actually filling.

      I hope that makes sense, and is helpful.

  15. Maura NíConnell says:

    I can’t wait to try these! I am so happy and blessed to live in Washington state where cannabis is legal.

    I saw that you mentioned ketamine infusions and I wanted to share with you and everyone else how amazing these can be for major treatment-resistant depression, which I have suffered with my entire life.

    When I lived in Atlanta, GA six years ago, I was very fortunate to get in two clinical research studies that used “Esketamine”, which is very close to Ketamine, but one atom or something removed? Anyway, I took part in the infusion study and a year later was in the nasal-inhaled version of the Ketamine study. Both studies did WONDERS for my depression and completely turned it around for about six years.
    Unfortunately, the effects did wear off but I’m still nowhere near as depressed as I used to be.

    The FDA has finally approved Esketamine for nasal-inhalation therapy…however, it’s extremely expensive (of course! Drug companies are not known for their altruism!) and not widely available yet. So, in the meantime, I eat lots of marijuana edibles, mostly THC because I really feel good when I’m high. I have been experimenting with THC/CBD blended topical salves and have had some amazing results with one of them…the name escapes me at the moment…no, wait, here it is: Ceres is the brand name and the product is called “Relief Relieving Lotion with Emu Oil. It’s 175 mg CBD, 175 mg THC. It is sooooooooo incredible! A tiny little dab of this salve on one’s fingertip, applied to muscles and knee joints or elbow…wait maybe an hour or so and…WOW! No pain! I kid you not! Okay, this is turning into a novel and I need to get to bed. Hope this helps some other folks!

  16. Monica Teed says:

    I’m so excited to read this information. I’ve recently been researching mmm card. I have moderately bad osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, and chronic pain from compression fractures in my lumbar spine. I can no longer do things I used to. I’ve tried meds, pain patches, etc. I’ve never smoked anything, so I didn’t want to attempt that route. I’m excited to try this, and pray itchelps. It it gave some significant relief, that’s a win. Thanks again for the detailed blog. I can’tWait to see the relief it gives me.

  17. Joni says:

    Thank you, thank you, thank you!! I have spinal stenosis and degenerative disc disease. I have not found anywhere here in MT to get sugar free edibles. I even asked my provider if he could make me some and I would provide the sweetener. The answer was “no”, so you can just imagine how excited I got then I saw this. I’m sorry you’ve been in such pain. My sciatica bothers me at times so I feel your pain. You ROCK girl!!

  18. Kata says:

    Hi Paola,

    Thank you for your detailed post filled with helpful information and your anecdotal information regarding how CBD oil has helped you. Your post is amazing!

    I have been a follower of your blog for several years and wondered what your medical situation was because a couple of times you made quick reference to your situation and I wondered about it. So thank you so much for sharing your personal information and providing such excellent information about CBD oil. May you continue to find answers for your condition and heal quickly.

    I am amazed that you have been able to create such wonderful Keto and Paleo recipes and to publish such a successfully blog regularly while you have been experiencing so much pain for so long. You are a truly amazing woman!

    I live in Toronto, Canada. You may have heard a few months ago that our prime minister legalized recreational cannabis use across all of Canada. That caused quite a stir. In addition, the province I live in (Ontario) has allowed CBD oil use for people with medical needs for quite some time. There are numerous CBD clinics set up around the province for people to attend the clinic, get information, talk to doctors and other medical staff and to get CBD oil easily if warranted. A friend of mine with severe arthritic back pain went that route and has been using CBD oil successfully. I too suffer from a lot of severe arthritis in my knees as well as painful muscle spasming in my feet, calves, thights and buttocks. I have been doing my own research on CBD oil and will also check out the CBD clinic to see if I can get some relief. Your information will be very helpful to me in my search. So thank you so much for sharing your information. You have inspired me to get going with investigating CBD oil use for myself.

    Please continue to share any pertinent information, experiences and recipes that you have. You have helped a lot of people with this post today and will continue to help more people with continued pertinent posts. You have established a solid trust basis with people throughout the world through your very successful blog and it is an excellent vehicle to get information out.

    I wish you much happiness, success and a quick and thorough healing. God bless you for your work Paula!

    Respectfully and with amazement,


  19. Shaay Gallagher-Starr says:

    5 stars
    Paola, I’m so sorry to hear you’ve been living with this type of pain. Thank you for sharing your journey, and your creativity with us. You are such a blessing and I appreciate what you are putting into the world. I hope you continue to find relief and healing.

    • Paola van der Hulst says:

      Shaay thank you for your beautiful message, I appreciate your words and intent tremendously! Big kiss and thanks again for the good wishes

  20. Ashley says:

    Any recipe recommendations for medicated coconut oil? I love the micro dose option of gummies but not sure what to make with my coconut oil…

  21. Lisa says:

    5 stars
    Thank you so much for your story, recommendations and the gummies of course! I have arthritis in both knees and hands and seldom get relief from OTC meds. I won’t use narcotics, for 1 they don’t work all that well for arthritis. 2 the dose would need to be increased over time and I know I’d become addicted, everyone eventually does. I’ve wanted to try CBD products, but with a lot of companies getting on the band wagon, they make grand claims and seldom deliver. So having a recommendation based on your personal experience makes it worth the try. I don’t expect complete pain relief but if it works better than what I’m using now (Naproxen), without the side effects, then it’s definitely worth a shot. Thanks again and I hope you heal completely. God bless you.

  22. Heidi says:

    I thought CBD with THC below 1% is now legal in Mexico? I know the options are better in CA and you can test various levels of THC with the CBD. But am I correct you can now legally obtain CBD with 1% or less THC from pharmacies in Mexico?

    • Paola van der Hulst says:

      I would love to know this too Heidi! When I asked I was told I could import it (and it would’ve cost more than me coming to LA!!). But thanks for the heads up, I’ll be sure to look into this.

  23. Jennifer F says:

    5 stars
    Just wanna say gnom gnom is the coolest keto blog out there lol! Thanks for sharing your products, do you know if I can buy them at dispensaries here in California? God bless and speedy recovery!

    • Paola van der Hulst says:

      Lol! And yup Jennifer, here in LA I’ve gone to a few and generally MedMen has the greatest variety (and the most knowledgeable staff too). There is generally a waiting list for the 30:1 tincture though. Hope this helps xo!

  24. Trudy Handel says:

    I’m going to try making these. I understand your pain – I had a similar problem from a car accident and ruptured disk. One thing that helped me incredibly was gabapentin. I wasn’t a believer till I tried it.

    • Paola van der Hulst says:

      I’m so sorry to hear Trudy, so yeah you totally get me! You know, I tried pregabalin (also a GABA analogue like gabapentin) and it didn’t help me at all (just gave me brain freeze and I got bad side effects)… neuropathic pain is so complex that I really do believe in trying everything and seeing ‘what sticks’ (so thank you for your recommendation!). Big kiss!

      • Dixie says:

        I just had a cervical spine fusion; I too tried Gabapentin but had awful side-effects to include my hair falling out in droves. I am going to try this; I have been interested in CBD oils, but have not yet tried them. If they will put me to sleep and keep me asleep at night – I am all for them! Thanks Paola – you are awesome!

        • Paola van der Hulst says:

          I’m so sorry to hear Dixie (wishing you a speedy recovery!!!). Yeah, I’m with you- my hair fell out in chunks also and I felt like a zombie, honestly couldn’t deal.

      • Shayna says:

        Thank you for your dedication to sharing such amazing recipes and also for recommendations on products! I’m working through massages for a frozen shoulder and as much as it’s working wonders I still have sleep issues so I’m really happy to hear of a good product! BTW inversion worked well for when I had sciatica but it’s no fun either! I hope you’re well soon and keep doing happy dances in the kitchen ☺️

  25. Erica says:

    5 stars
    We use CBD from Charlotte’s Web to help treat our sons epilepsy and it has been a Godsend! Happy to hear plant medicine has helped in your recovery Paola, wishing you all the best!!!

    • Paola van der Hulst says:

      Erica that’s so wonderful to hear! I’ve heard so many heartwarming stories about CBD in kids with epilepsy, what blessing that its working for your kiddo!

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